A playlist composed of four albums, each chosen to accompany a journey to each of the four cardinal points.
About this playlist
Laura Llaneli’s work explores the conditions under which we listen and with whom we do so. Over the years, her "Listening Sessions" have developed in the intimacy of small audiences, whether in her room with a record player or on a rooftop with speakers. When I invited Laura to participate in Playlist Curada, she told me about a project she wanted to pursue: sharing musical interests with friends, but this time inside her car. The idea was for each person to choose an album no longer than an hour and play it as we took a trip heading north, then west, south, and finally east —a road trip with no fixed destination beyond the cardinal points the road trip with no fixed destination beyond the cardinal points.
The result of Listening Sessions in My Car can be listened in this playlist featuring four albums, each designed for a different direction.
A road trip with no fixed destination beyond the cardinal points.
Laura assigned each of us a compass direction for the route: Pep got north, Joana west, I got south, and she chose east for herself.
Pep Vidal
Joana Hurtado
Gris García
Laura Llaneli
On Sunday, July 28, 2024, we met at Sant Cugat’s train station. Sant Cugat.
At 9:15 h., Joana Hurtado, Pep Vidal, Laura Llaneli, and I got into the car and drove off, listening to the album picked for each direction.
Images of the road trip.